Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Mixed-Up / Backwards Day with Dev

Dev's school is having spirit week this week. My feeling is, it's something to contribute to the general insanity that IS the week before Spring Break. So Monday was favorite sports team day, easy. Yesterday was wear your pajamas to school long as he felt like he had the BEST pj's it was great (and Spiderman pj's are pretty cool). Today however, as unchallenging as it seems, Mixed-Up / Backwards day was a tough one for Dev.

First, he couldn't quite deal with clothes that didn't match. Then there was the problem of pockets flapping everywhere if he wore his pants inside out. He didn’t' like the collar up against his neck when he wore his shirt backwards. He finally settled on wearing one shoe and one snow boot...except it made a funny noise when he walked.
We finally decided he could be backward by being normal when everyone else was mixed up and backward.

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